This project is a simple Resident ID Issuing System. It is a desktop application that can be used to issue resident IDs to the residents of a particular kebele. We worked on this project because of the problems that we have seen in our kebele. The problems are:
- Not getting the ID on time
- Not getting the ID at all
- Not getting the ID with the correct information
- The kebele not having a difitalized database of the residents
So, we decided to solve these problems by creating this application. This application will help the kebele to issue IDs to the residents on time, with the correct information and also it will help the kebele to have a digitalized database of the residents.
- The application has a login page where the kebele employee can login to the application.
- The application has an overview page to show the number of residents in the kebele, gender distribution and with graphs.
- The application has a page to add a new resident to the database.
- The application has a page to edit the information of a resident.
- The application has a page to manage kebele employees.
- The application will streamline the process of issuing IDs to the residents by coming up with a concept of request and approval.
- The resident will request for an ID through the information officer.
- The information officer will send the request to the finance officer, so that the resident can pay the required amount of money.
- The finance officer will send the request to the kebele manager for approval and signature.
- The kebele manager will approve the request and sign it and finally send it back to the information officer.
- The information officer will issue the ID to the resident by sealing the ID.